Moonlight Inn
Each guestroom has a private bathroom with shower, television with VCR, ceiling fan and window air conditioner in season. Our eclectic collection of videos is available. There are also two video rental stores within walking distance of the inn.
There is a small sitting area on the second floor facing the original stained glass windows. The incoming sunlight casts a golden glow over this area, which is a delightful spot to enjoy a quiet moment of reflection, a cup of tea or coffee, or to relax and read.
Restful shades of blue and vintage furnishings surround you as you step into this large bedroom that includes a queen bed and a sitting area Victorian loveseat. Curved glass windows in the turret offer a view that changes with the seasons: snowy meadows, the spring-green mist of new leaves on the trees, magnificent fall foliage, and flower gardens. This private bathroom includes a surprising window treatment and a corner shower.
The blue flowers on a soft beige background of the wallpaper provide a cozy feeling for this room with twin beds and a comfortable upholstered rocker. The afternoon sun shines through windows overlooking the Victorian homes on Park Avenue. This adjoining bathroom includes a large shower with a seat, a sand castle and through the window you may catch a glimpse of the South Jersey shore.
Bouquets of antique flowers strewn over the walls bring together vintage furniture and modern comfort in shades of rose and green. The Victorian oak queen bed from Pennsylvania faces the room’s original (non-operational) fireplace. The hearth is filled with decorative seasonal floral arrangements. The sitting area includes an upholstered loveseat, providing a quiet escape. The adjoining bathroom has lots of natural light and a large shower with a seat.