From Hip Chick Boutique

Hip Chick Boutique

Success Stories & Testimonials


When it came to create a "real" storefront for Hip Chick Boutique, I turned to the businesses of Nixa for everything we needed. I literally took notes when I went to the Chamber of Commerce meetings of all the services everyone offered. It was like eating lunch with a living directory book of resources.

My task was to take a dingy, boring shell of a building and transform it into a Diva-worthy pink shopping experience for ladies of all ages and sizes - in 30 days or less! I am so proud to say that, together, we did so locally! All my thanks to these members of the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce. I am so honored to now consider them friends, too: Sam and Michelle Clifton of Millstone Custom Homes, J.P.Success Stories & Testimonials Jones with Atlas Security, Paul Johns with the Nixa Xpress Newspaper, Rich Looten at Carpet One, Dan's Electric, Jennifer and the gang at Metropolitan Bank, Jenifer at Lampe Insurance, Becci Bartley with Clear Creative Photography, Stella of Chilton's Pest Control, Mary and Gary of M&G Signs, Kent Parnell at 24 Hour Signs, Peggy Taylor with Dogwood Printing, Dawn Kruger "the Cooking Cougar" with Pampered Chef, Nixa Hardware, Meek's Lumber, and our great neighbors at McAlister's Deli.

Success Stories & TestimonialsProud to be part of the Community of Nixa - Susan Beach, owner of Hip Chick Boutique "Fashion and Fun for Ladies in Sizes S-3XL"

~Susan Beach

“When I was first starting my business, I had a couple people mention that joining the chamber may not be too helpful. I am glad that I went ahead and joined. I would estimate that 60-70% of my revenue to date was generated through contacts made in the chamber directly, chamber events, and through advertising available through the chamber – not to mention the network or other professionals that I have, and will continue to establish. We have a very active and productive chamber here in Nixa and I know that my business wouldn’t be where it is today without the benefits from my chamber membership!”

~Dr Jay Farr

“The partnership between the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce and Nixa Public Schools is paramount to the success of our community. The school district supports local business whenever possible and the Nixa community in turn supports the school system. The NACC is a unique and progressive chamber that is truly devoted to helping our businesses grow by providing numerous resources and networking opportunities. Being a part of the NACC is an eXtraordinary eXperience that your business will not soon forget.”

~Karen McKnight – Nixa Public Schools

“The Nixa Chamber of Commerce is a must for all businesses, regardless of the size. With over 500 members you can find a business for most for all your business needs. With our great general membership meetings and our web site you not only know the name of our businesses, but you know the owner and/or employees on a first name basis. To me that is important when you are choosing with whom you do business.”

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What are the best cities to live in Vermont for young adults? - Quora

Burlington is a wonderful city for a young person to live in. In the main city, nearly all amenities are within walking distance. Those which are not, are usually accessible via bus. Downtown is packed with bars and pubs of all types. Like live music? Try Nectar’s. Prefer trivia? Check out RiRa’s. Want an unusual cocktail? Go to Daily Planet.
There is a co-op grocery store downtown with fresh and local food. For more affordable options, a bus ride out to South Burlington brings you to Shaw’s and Price Chopper. You’ll find every type of restaurant—nearly none of the typical chain places.

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