Jericho VT
Current Jericho News
Town Hall Art Show -
RECORDING SECRETARY NEEDED.click here for more information
Connecting Villages – Jericho Corners to Riverside Scoping Study
Alternatives Presentation Meeting Notification
Thanks to all who participated at the Local Concerns Meeting on June 15. The meeting was held to address the limitations to the pedestrian and bicycle facilities along Route 15 in Jericho. The next step in the Scoping Study process is to review everyone’s comments and all other gathered information to develop project alternatives. These alternatives will be presented at an Alternatives Presentation Meeting onThere will be in open house from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm for individuals to stop in and review the materials. That will be followed by a formal presentation of the alternatives to the Selectboard at 7:05 pm. The meeting will take place at the Jericho Town Hall. We hope to see you there!
There is still time to send your thoughts/concerns regarding the existing bike/pedestrian system along Route 15. Please email your comments to todit@jerichovt.gov or dconger@dubois-king.com
Request for Bids for Mobbs Farm Field Brush Hogging
The property known as Mobbs Farm is 278 acres owned by the Town of Jericho and is used for a variety of non-motorized recreational activities. As detailed in the Mobbs Farm Management Plan, there are field sections that need to be brush hogged on a 3-year rotating schedule. We are putting the 2016 brush hogging, Section C in the attached, up for bids. We are looking to have the work done in the last half of October or early November, so as to allow more milkweed in the fields for migrating monarch butterflies and give wood turtles more time to get out of the fields, in addition to not disturbing nesting birds. Click here for more information
CCTA Bus Route Through Jericho
Planning Commission Commercial District Land Use Standards Project
The Planning Commission has hired a consultant to help with drafting some now zoning standards for the Commercial District. Click for more information about the changes as well as the next steps in the process.
Jericho Map Viewer
Jericho has three distinct village areas:
- Jericho's historic Old Red Mill stands impressively in the Jericho Corners village area next to Browns River on VT Route 15.
- Jericho Center on Browns Trace still maintains a large Town Green which plays host to a variety of events during the year. The Jericho Town Library is also located here.
- The Riverside area (also known as " The Flats") is located on VT Route 15, adjacent to the border with Underhill. It is home to the new multi-use Mills Riverside Park, Deborah Rawson Memorial Library and two schools.