The Lobby - Events and Tickets

The Lobby

digital signage for hospitality

1. Who uses digital lobby signage?

Lobby signage is a common use of digital signage that you’ve likely encountered before. Many different types of establishments use digital lobby signage, including but not limited to:

  • Hotels: Digital displays for hospitality in lobbies can showcase nearby attractions, drive positive TripAdvisor reviews, and welcome guests.
  • Offices: Both small businesses and corporate offices use digital office lobby signage for internal communications or welcoming visitors.
  • Schools: Digital signage in school lobbies keeps campuses connected and students and visitors informed.
  • Medical offices: With patient care technology advancing every minute, so has medical office lobby signage.
  • Banks: Waiting at the bank is a lot less dull with lobby digital signage.
  • Commercial real estate: Digital signage is a huge value add for commercial real estate spaces, especially when it comes to directories and wayfinding.
  • Gyms: Screens in the front entrance or lobby of a gym are a great way to promote upcoming classes, welcome clients, and motivate staff.

The Manhattan Beach Marriott hotel uses digital lobby signage to welcome guests

2. Why use digital lobby signage?

Digital lobby signage has several advantages over traditional signage. Here are just a few reasons to switch to digital:

  • Easy updating: Digital lobby signs can be easily updated at any time, with changes and new content appearing instantly.
  • Liven up your lobby: Traditional lobby signs are static, whereas digital lobby signs are dynamic, interactive and adaptable.Youtube Space LA Lobby Photo One lobby screen can show a wide array of content, from web pages to directories to news feeds.
  • Modernize your lobby: Having digital lobby signs gives your entire space a modern, technologically-savvy feel to it.
  • Enhance the customer/guest experience: In addition to serving necessary functions, digital lobby signage can make the customer/guest experience better. Digital lobby signs can provide them not only information they need, but also supplemental information they didn’t think of asking for.
  • Help grow your business: Some uses of digital lobby signage can actually help your business gain exposure (we’ll go over these uses in the next section). Digital signage also gives your lobby a unique touch that will get people talking about you.
  • Make your employees’ jobs easier: Your digital lobby signs can be a rich source of information, answering customer/guest questions that are usually left up to your employees.

3. How can digital lobby signage be used?

With so many types of businesses using digital lobby signage comes numerous potential uses of it, including but not limited to:

Digital wayfinding

Lobby displays featuring a map or directory of the building can help customers and guests find their way without even having to approach the front desk. Lobby directory signage is particularly fitting for hotels, commercial real estate and school campuses.

Entertaining customers and guests as they wait

When is the last time you waited in a lobby without looking down at your smartphone? Digital signage displaying entertaining content in your lobby, such as a live news feed or social media wall, can give your patrons another way to pass the time. You may also want to provide them with other relevant content they may find useful, e.g. health advice in a medical office lobby or financial tips in a bank lobby.

Digital concierge

With the right digital lobby software, hotel lobby displays can act as a “digital concierge” showing guests what’s nearby, like restaurants, shopping, nightlife and other attractions. Run a local weather feed so guests know what to expect when they step outside and can better plan their stay. You can even monetize the opportunity by working with businesses nearby and having them compensate you for referring your guests to them.

Digital lobby signage at Fremont College lobby digital lobby signage,

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