
Vermont Restaurant Week

Best Bite Bash

Foodies get the first bite at this exclusive tasting event where 10 chefs preview select items from their Vermont Restaurant Week menus. Guests vote on their favorites, and deserving chefs take home the prize for “Best Bite.” Proceeds benefit the Vermont Foodbank.

Higher Ground Ballroom, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington. 7-9 p.m. Tickets: $15 adv./$20. Info, 652-0777.

Feeding Frenzy

Foodies compete against one another in a statewide Instagram scavenger hunt. The challenges will be announced at the start of Restaurant Week and the participants will have one week to complete the tasks. The winner will receive tickets to the Vermont Brewers Festival, The Vermont Cheesemakers Festival and an overnight stay at the Hilton. More details to come.

Compete for prizes in seven rounds of foodie trivia hosted by Seven Days and Top Hat Entertainment. Limited space. Preregistration is required. Click here to register your trivia team.
Nectar’s, 188 Main St., Burlington. Doors: 6 p.m. Trivia: 6:30-9 p.m. Free.

The Dish: Farming in the Time of Climate Change

300-bellylaughsVermont’s weather is evolving in wild, unpredictable ways. Long-term meteorological trends show the state becoming warmer and wetter. How will farmers adapt to the environmental upheaval and keep food growing through fast-shifting weather patterns? How will these changes ripple through the distribution chain — and how will they affect what Vermonters eat in restaurants, institutions and at family tables?

Join a panel of local experts for a lively discussion on the challenges and rewards of growing food in a changing climate — now and into the future.

$5 donation. Info, 540-0406.

Belly Laughs

Laughter is a proven way to burn calories. That’s not a joke — it’s a fact! Join members of Vermont Comedy Club’s professional improv comedy troupe as they perform a food-themed improv show using their sharp wit – to build fast–paced and hilarious scenes on the spot.

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