Stowe B&B :: Luxury Getaway in

Stowe B&B

Lodging in Stowe, VTPeaceful. Luxurious but welcoming. Uniquely designed in 1998 to create a new standard for inns and B&B’s in the U.S. Nine guest room with king beds, fireplaces, a separate back door to the gardens. Each with baths that have two-person Jacuzzis, shower, dual sinks and, yes, a fireplace! Thoughtful. Intimate. Praised by, U.S. News & World Reports, and especially TripAdvisor.

Designed for couples looking for opportunities to celebrate life together — enjoy reclines throughout the gardens, late movies and popcorn in the Great Room, and exploring 9.5 acres of woods ladened with Maple, White Pine, Birch that completely surround the inn. Elopements are our specialty, but we also provide a stunning environment for small Stowe, Vermont weddings. Elopement/wedding venue.

We are nine minutes from skiing and six minutes from downtown Stowe. Stowe itself is a charming, sophisticated village home to accomplished crafts, foods, wines, and especially brews – among which Heady Topper is rated best in the world.

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