Woodstock Inn

Woodstock Inn

room11The Woodstock Inn on the Millstream is your perfect Hudson Valley getaway. Whether it’s a relaxing weekend, or a fun-filled family adventure that you’re seeking, our location in the heart of Woodstock NY, along the cascading Millstream, is the perfect destination. Our gardens, grounds and rooms are sanctuaries for travelers from throughout the neighborhood and around the globe.

The rooms at our Woodstock, NY lodging facility are tastefully appointed with superior beds and linens, our baths are stocked with luxurious Aveda products and a fresh, bountiful complimentary breakfast is served every morning in the lobby.

Selected rooms at our Woodstock NY Inn have electric fireplaces and spa tubs as well as patios adjacent to the stream. We always offer free wi-fi and complimentary parking. The variety of room offerings, from standards to stand-alone cottages, allows us to serve a variety of guests, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with families or for business. We invite you to visit us and feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.

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do i need to have good grades to get into a culinary school? | Yahoo Answers

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