Applewood Manor Inn Bed & Breakfast
The Macintosh Room at our historic Asheville Bed and Breakfast – Located on the second floor of the Manor house it was the sitting room for Captain Perry’s daughter. The most recently updated en-suite bath has a two person pneumatic tub/shower combination for soothing bath salt soaking after a long day viewing of the Biltmore Estate, dressing table with lighted makeup mirror and dimmer switches for the period lighting. An ornately carved Queen size Rice raised bed sits facing the gas log fireplace with a leather men’s smoking chair, a private balcony with Adirondack furniture facing the landscaped back yard, ceiling fan, writing desk and air conditioning.
Of course it includes all other standard Applewood Manor Inn amenities. Plus it has a with private balcony and fireplace.
Facts About the Macintosh Apple

The apple was discovered by a John McIntosh, a farmer in Ontario in the early 19th century, and he and his family became involved in propagating the variety. The McIntosh style is typified by attractive dark red or crimson colors brushed with a bright green; the amount of red or green on the skin of the McIntosh will vary depending on when it was harvested. The flavor is generally sweet but with refreshing acidity, and usually a hint of wine – often referred to as “vinous”.