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The Burlington Township Food Pantry
Hunger, It's In Our Community
Unlike many other community problems, hunger can be invisible. The child sitting next to your child in school may not be getting dinner that night. The senior citizen singing next to you in church may run out of food at the end of the month when money runs short. Someone from work may be not that hungry at lunchtime because they are going without in order to feed their children. Hunger transcends all social levels.

Here in New Jersey:

  • Over 281, 000 households report being "food insecure."
  • 1 out of 5 New Jersey families does not earn enough to afford basic necessities such as food and housing. 85% of these households have at least one member who is employed.
  • Approximately 700, 000 people in NJ live at or below the poverty level.
  • 15% of children in New Jersey live in food insecure households.
To learn more about hunger, visit these websites:

Feeding America: www.feedingamerica.org
New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition: www.njahc.org
End Hunger NJ: www.endhungernj.org
Get Involved Now!
The Burlington Township Food Pantry relies on the generosity of community members and corporate donors for monetary and food donations. There are many ways you can help:

Make a monetary donation to the Burlington Township Food Pantry either online by clicking on the donate button to the right. You can also donate by mail. Make your checks payable to the Burlington Township Food Pantry, PO Box 1394, Burlington, NJ 08016
No amount is too small!

Other Ways You Can Help

Donate food to the Food Pantry: Non-perishable, fresh and frozen foods are accepted. Call 888-847-3278 to arrange a donation.

Food Items we always need include: Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Canned Fruit, Snacks, Cookies, Crackers, Cereal and Tuna Fish.

In-Kind Donations: The Food Pantry has activities and events throughout the year to help raise money and support our mission. We welcome donations of prizes such as gift certificates, merchandise or professional services year-round.

Be informed: You can learn about food insecurity and our efforts to fight hunger through our website. To stay apprised of upcoming Food Pantry events, benefits and volunteer opportunities to fight hunger in our community, you can become a . Your email address will not be shared with anyone.

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