Restaurants in Bennington, VT
BENNINGTON, VT – The Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce invites locals and visitors to participate in the second Restaurant Week of the year. “Restaurant Week” is an initiative the Chamber has launched to help local restaurants and dining establishments boost extra foot traffic and sales during various seasons. Patrons can visit any participating Chamber member restaurant from Saturday, November 5 through Sunday, November 14 and enjoy a delicious meal for a deal!
“With the great beginning success of our spring Restaurant Week and meals for $20.16, we knew we wanted to do another one this year, ” Matt Harrington, Executive Director of the Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce stated. “We’ve tried to pick a key week both in the spring and fall where we know our member dining establishments could use some extra help. This fall season we created the theme, ‘Discover the Deal’ where patrons could have fun going around to various restaurants and dining establishments in a scavenger-hunt-like eating experience through out the week.”
Harrington continued, “We asked our member restaurants to come up with their own deal. Some might stick with the $20.16 theme of the spring, or a ‘$10, $20, $30’ theme, 25% off deal, a Buy One, Get One date night special or something entirely different! We encouraged our members to get creative and have fun! Once a decision is made as to how each business is going to draw people in with a deal, the Chamber will help promote those deals on our website, and through our various social media both before and during the week.
Additionally, the Chamber has worked with area dining establishments on a “Discover the Deal Passport.” Patrons need to get two stamps over the week on their “passports” by visiting and eating at two of the participating dining establishments. The participant then return their filled in passports to the Chamber to enter a drawing to win a prize.
See also:
- Georgia apostille. Document issued by one of the fifty US States. Atlanta apostille.