Home Hill Inn
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Wedding Tips and Trends
It has been a banner year for weddings here at Home Hill Inn. It is so much fun to assist in the planning and see it all come together time after time. So many weddings this year and my own anniversary coming up got me thinking of how varied each event is and some of the great ideas we've seen come through.
Casual rehearsal dinners: We've had bbq's, clambakes and even a pizza party on our large outdoor terrace. Weather this year has been perfect for informal and relaxed rehearsal dinners.
Welcome baskets: Brides and grooms have put some neat touches in our 11 rooms welcoming their guests. maple syrup, customized chocolates, local maps and NH wines!
Weekend Weddings Taking the inn for the weekend is an affordable and fun way to spend time with loved ones hanging out on our 25 acres, riding bikes or relaxing by the pool.
Late night snacks After a great meal, drinking and dancing guests may get a little peckish. This year I've had a lot of fun sending out late night snacks around 11pm to the dance floor. Mini burgers, pigs n a blanket, cones of fries and onions rings, mini grilled cheese. Yum!
Farewell Brunch Getting guests together in the morning for some eggs benedict and a mimosa is the perfect way to end the weekend.
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