Willard ST Inn Burlington VT

We invite vacation travelers prefering chauffeured transportation sevice to consider the select lodging providers listed below. These destinations are strategically located along Vermont's finest skiing and biking trails. Accommodations are very "pedestrian" friendly and provide extended amenities on-site or within close walking distance.
Choose from a variety of luxury resorts, historic inns and quaint B&Bs. Winter lodging for Stowe and Sugarbush resorts offer accommodations both slopeside or along free shuttle routes for convenient access to the ski lifts. The selected inns throughout the Lake Champlain Valley support world class bicycle touring through scenic and historic villages and countryside. Canoe and kayaking opportunities are often available.
We offer itinerary consultation and destination management services. Special transportation rates and vacation packages are often available with participating members. Feel free to contact us for more info.
Historic Victorian B&B. Great cycling routes. Near Shelburne Museum, Shelburne Farms, and the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory.
Historic Victorian B&B. Luxury accomodations. Walking distance to UVM, Downtown and Lake Champlain Waterfront.