Michael s on the Hill

Hen of the Wood menu

Irregardless’ “Local Mushroom Wine Dinner” on Wednesday, Nov 11, will feature four flavorful mushroom varieties in creative dishes.Mushrooms come in all shapes, sizes and textures – these prized mysterious life forms have been revered throughout the ages for their unique flavors, their psychedelic properties as a source of powerful nutrients. Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten free and very low in sodium, yet they provide selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D and more.

The first SALAD course of seasonal greens will be highlighted by a croquette made with a ‘cauliflower’ shaped mushroom that tastes very much like a back fin crab. These ‘Lion’s Mane’ mushroom are cultivate on ‘blocks’ of saw dust by Amy Fox of Fox Farms & Forage in Apex. The wine dinner’s first course is paired with a bubbly glass of Prosecco, from La Perla from Treviso, Italy.

mushroom Shiitake 320The second SOUP course features Shiitake mushrooms from Irregardless’ own Well Fed Community Garden. The delicious Miso Mushroom broth accents the delicate Shiitakes with garlic and ginger, combined with Soba noodles and asparagus.

The soup will be served with an herbed flatbread topped with a ‘foraged’ “Hen of the Woods” mushroom. These mushrooms ‘fruit’ during the rainy days of autumn.Mushrooms hen of the woods 400 Amy would not reveal where she found our evening’s delicacy – only saying they appear near mature oak trees somewhere in a public space in Cary – in an area not treated with chemical herbicides nor pesticides. “Hen of the Woods” are anywhere between 3 to 15 pounds. They have a mellow umami flavor – almost meaty, and will be delicious sauteed served on Irregardless freshly made flatbread.

Foraging for “Hen of the Wood” mushrooms is like going on an Easter Egg Hunt – they appear within days fully grown – only once a year in a very short window of time.Mushrooms hen of the woods on plate Amy knows where she has found these prizes in years past, but each year the weather conditions determine whether they will appear or not. At right are the “Hen of the Woods” broken in pieces before being sauteed. The Shiitake Soba Miso Broth and Flatbread will be served with a Sauvignon Blanc – Bloomstone Cellars from Santa Ynez Valley, California.

Mushrooms Salmon Osyter bucket 400The third ENTREE course features a ‘Salmon and Grey Oyster Mushroom Sauce’ on North Carolina Mountain Trout. Vegetarian may select to substitute the Trout with a Tofu Cutlet. Both will pan seared and served on wilted spinach and mashed potatoes and paired with a delicious Pinot Noir from Pays d’Oc, France. Oyster mushrooms’ delicate flavor are popular with chefs because of they are so attractive and versatile and have a pleasing texture. The umami Oyster mushroom sauce arouse the taste buds and satisfy the most discerning palate.

The Wine Dinner will close with the Dessert fourth course of Chocolate Truffles with Berries and a full flavored Ruby Port from Porto, Portugal.

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Skiing: Which is better, Stowe or Sugarbush, VT? - Quora

Both are good. Vermont is a great place anyway. Anywhere would be nice.

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