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Main St, Burlington, VT

Downtown Core Map

The Burlington Area

Nestled on the shores of beautiful Lake Champlain—with stunning views of the Adirondack Mountains across the water—Burlington is regularly listed on "Top Ten" lists of America's best communities in which to live and visit. Nationally renowned for the strengths of its performing and visual arts communities, Burlington is also a center for outdoor recreation, including swimming, boating, and water sports on Lake Champlain; a seven-mile bike and walking path along the lakeshore; and hiking and skiing in the famed Green Mountains just 45 minutes away.

Road conditions

For more information about accommodations, cultural tourism, and recreational activities in the Burlington area, visit one of these web sites:

Directions from the North on I-89 to the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (153 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401):

Take Interstate 89 S, and get off at Burlington Exit 14W. This road turns into Main Street; go down the hill through about 6+ traffic lights. You will see the Flynn Marquee on the left. The front entrance to the theatre is at 153 Main Street and is on the left across from the park. For stage door and loading dock (production use ONLY), turn left at traffic light at Church St. proceed less than half a block and take a right into parking lot with black iron fence - stage door is straight ahead in building.

Directions from the South on I-89 to the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (153 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401):

Take Interstate 89 N, and get off at Burlington Exit 14W. This road turns into Main Street; go down the hill through about 6+ traffic lights. You will see the Flynn Marquee on the left. The front entrance to the theatre is at 153 Main Street and is on the left across from the park. For stage door and loading dock (production use ONLY), turn right at traffic light at Church St. proceed less than half a block and take a right into parking lot with black iron fence - stage door is straight ahead in building.

Directions from New York City to the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (153 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401):

Shorter route more single lane highways: Follow the New York Thruway, I-87 N, through Albany, NY to Exit 20. Pick up NY 149 E to Fort Ann. Take US 4 N through Whitehall to the Vermont border. Watch for signs for Fair Haven and Vergennes. Pick up Rte. 22A N to Vegrennes. Pick up Rte. 7 N to South Burlington. In South Burlington look for Price Chopper and TGIF Friday's. Continue north on 7 (or Shelburne Rd.) about 3 miles and at traffic circle take left fork (heading down a small hill- this is St. Paul Street). Stay on road until you reach Main Street. Make a right turn on Main Street. The front entrance to the theatre is at 153 Main Street and is on the right across from the park. For stage door and loading dock (production use ONLY), turn right at the next traffic light at Church St. proceed less than half a block and take a right into parking lot with black iron fence - stage door is straight ahead in building.

Longer route but on major interstates: Take I-95 N from New York to New Haven, CT. Pick-up I-91 N through Hartford, CT, Springfield, MA, Brattleboro, VT, and onto White River Junction, VT. At White River Junction take Exit 10, to I-89N to Montpelier and Burlington. Take Exit 14W. You will be going through a succession of traffic lights as you head up a small hill towards the University of Vermont Campus. The road will then head down a hill towards downtown Burlington and Lake Champlain. Continue on this street (known as Main St.). Continue until you reach the intersection of Main St. and Church St. The front entrance to the Flynn is a block straight ahead on the left across from the park. For the stage door and loading dock (production use ONLY), take a left at the light at Church St., go half a block and take a right into parking lot with black iron fence — stage door is straight ahead in building.

Directions from Montreal to the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts (153 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401):

Start out going Northwest on St Laurent by turning right. Turn left onto Viger. Turn left onto St Urbain. Turn left onto St Antoine. St Antoine becomes St Antoine E. Turn slight left to take the AUT-720 ramp. Merge onto Ville Marie. Take the AUT-10/Rue University exit, exit number 5, towards RTE-112/Sherbrooke/Pont Champlain. Merge onto AUT 10 E. Take The PONT CHAMPLAIN/AUT-20/AUT-15 exit on the left. Merge onto AUT 15 S Stay straight to go onto AUT 10 E. Take the AUT-35 S exit, exit number 22, towards AUT-89/Chambly/Saint-Luc/Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. Keep right at the fork in the ramp. Merge onto AUT 35 S. AUT 35 S becomes Patriotes. Patriotes becomes RTE 133. RTE 133 becomes I-89 S. Take the exit number 14W. This road turns into Main Street; go down the hill through about 6+ traffic lights. You will see the Flynn Marquee on the left. The front entrance to the theatre is at 153 Main Street and is on the left across from the park. For stage door and loading dock (production use ONLY), turn right at the traffic light at Church St. proceed less than half a block and take a right into parking lot with black iron fence - stage door is straight ahead in building.

CCTA Bus Routes into Downtown Burlington

* indicate stops within one block of the Flynn Center and ** indicated stops within two blocks of the Flynn Center
See parking map below for street information. Visit for schedules and maps.

#1 Williston Road Bus

Inbound stops:

  • Main & Church*
  • Main & St. Paul*
  • Main & Pine
  • Main & S. Champlain

Outbound stops:

  • S. Winooski & Main
  • S. Winooski & Cherry

#5 Pine Street Bus

  • St. Paul & King**
  • S. Winooski & King
  • St. Paul & Maple

#6 Shelburne Road Bus

  • Main & Union
  • S. Winooski & Maple


Beginning November 1, 2014 there were some changes for parking in downtown Burlington. Smart meters have been installed in the downtown core (see image at right), including in front of the Flynn (Cherry to Main Street, and Pine Street to South Winooski Avenue). The rate at smart meters is $1.50 per hour with no time limits, and the meters accept credit/debit cards. Note that smart meters will be enforced until 10 pm, Monday through Saturday. Rates ($1 per hour), enforcement hours (8 am-6 pm, Monday through Saturday), and technology outside the downtown core will remain the same, including free parking after 6 pm less than a block away from the downtown core in any direction. Parking is still FREE on Sundays and holidays


There are also some changes to area parking garages. The first two hours are still free in all city garages, and parking is still free Sundays and holidays. Rates for the Marketplace Garage (#2 on map) are going up by $2/hour, and the daily rate is now $10. Rates for the Lakeview (#8 on map) and College Street (#4 on map) Garages are going up by $1/hour, and the daily rate is still $8. Parking is still FREE on Sundays

Remember that Vermont Parking at Corporate Plaza (#5 on map) on St. Paul Street, between College and Bank Streets, provides Flynn patrons parking for $3 Monday through Saturday; it is free on Sunday. Designated handicapped spaces are on the bottom level; there is no elevator. There is also one lower level of paid parking at Courthouse Plaza (#1 on map) with an elevator that takes you to the first floor.

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What are the best cities to live in Vermont for young adults? - Quora

Burlington is a wonderful city for a young person to live in. In the main city, nearly all amenities are within walking distance. Those which are not, are usually accessible via bus. Downtown is packed with bars and pubs of all types. Like live music? Try Nectar’s. Prefer trivia? Check out RiRa’s. Want an unusual cocktail? Go to Daily Planet.
There is a co-op grocery store downtown with fresh and local food. For more affordable options, a bus ride out to South Burlington brings you to Shaw’s and Price Chopper. You’ll find every type of restaurant—nearly none of the typical chain places.

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